Negotiating Learner Differences MOOC’s Updates

productive diversity and inclusive education

Diversity exists everywhere and every classroom situations. Broadly we see diversity in terms of race and ethnicity. But, apparently diversity exists heavily within a group as well. Whether it is Asian group they may be from East Asia or south Asia or even in south Asia the diversity persists. As it is mentioned in Dr. Mary Kalantzis lecture that ‘Even the category of an ethnic identity or a national identity, it's very had to say with absolute definiteness what an American is, or what a Greek is, or what an English person is? Therefore, even in a homogeneity we can observe diversity.
Diversity pedagogy and Productive diversity
As Diversity is inevitable in every contexts so the pedagogy associated with dealing with students from diverse population is called Diversity pedagogy. This pedagogy helps to strengthen the learning process of diversified context. In order to have an effective diversity pedagogy, we have to make sure that the learning environment is able to respect and blend the knowledges from diverse viewpoint what we called productive diversity. So, productive diversity is the pedagogic involvements that enjoys the learners’ differences and their worldviews to see the happening differently as explained through the example of ‘volcano ‘given by Dr. William Cope.
Inclusive education strategy
An inclusive education strategy involves each and every individual as a subject and treat them subjectively. As every individual are subject, so there are variation in their perception, explanation and interpretation about a phenomenon. teachers should equipped with an inclusive alternative to traditional didactics. It opposes the principal of 'one-size-fits all' approach.
Kalantzis, M & Cope, B. (2019), The Inclusive school: video lecture

  • Navin Poudel