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Big data in education

Big Data in Education surrounds the comprehensive gathering, processing, and interpretation of extensive and varied data sources within the educational sphere. It involves the harnessing of massive datasets generated by educational institutions, students, teachers, and related systems. These datasets often encompass a wide array of information, including student demographics, academic performance records, attendance data, online interactions, assessment results, and more. https://www.theknowledgeacademy.com/blog/big-data-in-education/#:~:text=It%20involves%20the%20harnessing%20of,%2C%20assessment%20results%2C%20and%20more.

Applications of Big Data in Education

For an example I will use:


Whether you want to learn more than design, programming, marketing, IT technologies, photography, music, personal development and many other areas, today you just need to look for one of the established online learning platforms and start improving your existing knowledge or mastering an area completely anew. .

Udemy is a well-known content-rich learning platform that offers a huge number of courses covering a wide range of fields and topics. The courses are mostly in English, but since Udemy is a platform that brings together numerous lecturers from all over the world, there are also courses in other languages, so you should keep that in mind (and you can also learn foreign languages).

Since various courses are offered, it is possible to find the desired one very easily. Courses are offered in 75 languages and offered by over 75K instructors. Big data takes place there, which enables quality implementation of new courses or upgrading of existing ones.