Ubiquitous Learning and Instructional Technologies MOOC’s Updates


Concept maps provide a visual representation of connections between concepts that students have learned. These concepts are connected by directional, labeled links to show the relationships between them. Concept maps are excellent tools , after the students were introduced to the new material. For example, the instructor can post an incomplete concept map where students are asked to fill in the blanks to build a complete map.

A podcast of vlog project encourages students to take their identifications, analyses, reports, diagrams, etc. to a real-world, digital level by creating a visual/verbal file for submission that activates and authenticates their learning. This can be done individually or collaboratively. Podcasts and vlogs are similar to poster presentations in terms of the content-based orientations of them, yet they take it to a different level by creating and facilitating an extension of the classroom for audiences beyond the students’ immediate classmates and immediate teacher. 

A Talk Show Performance is an authentic version of the more traditional in-class presentation as it directs students to take on and embody their learning for an interactive, live or record discussion. It can be character-based (i.e. students taking on and acting as an individual in their discipline would, talking about the issues, analyses, diagrams, etc. and answering questions as this person would) or it can be self-based (i.e. students perform as themselves, presenting the materials and answering questions as they themselves would based on their developing knowledge).

Student conferences have taken the form of performance evaluations for 12 years in the Department of Psychology at MMU. It's held like any other national convention, including keynote speakers, but above all, it's a place for her juniors to present their final projects. Presentations are evaluated and moderated by three employees.

EFFECTIVE AND EFFICIENT FEEDBACK - For more comprehensive feedback, the scoring criteria and grading grid are divided into sections with very detailed tape instructions for each section. Students receive grades for each section along with overall comments. Scoring criteria can be accessed from Moodle. Students can identify strengths and areas for improvement.

Presentation to industry panelists – To increase relevance to employability, one of the engineering program evaluations included a presentation to industry panelists. The experience was invaluable for the students as they had the opportunity to get feedback from both experts and academics.

Work on real tasks with real customers – Part of the evaluation diet for the Master's Degree in Manufacturing program is group work on real customer tasks. Each group produces a complete report, poster, and presentation to a large group of academics, students, and industry professionals. 70% of the grade is awarded for group work and 30% for individual work.

Authentic Assessments - Master's degree students partner with real companies to provide live advice. Students will write a report to the company and verbally propose and present the results.

Using Twitter as a form of assessment – ​​To encourage active participation in lectures and seminars, staff at the University of Glasgow tested the use of social media as a form of assessment of student skills. Innovative Rating in Greenwich
Although the examples above focus on other institutions, innovative practices involving feedback and evaluation are taking place at the University of Greenwich. Many examples of innovative practices at universities come from the Greenwich Connect Seed Fund project. Links to these projects go to the Greenwich Connect page.

Handling Client Briefings – By asking PR students to respond to previous briefings, Paul Simpson incorporates technology into assessments and adds credibility to assessment design. This link leads to his Youtube channel which contains some interviews with Paul. There he talks about how technology is integrated into teaching and assessment.

The Virtual Law Clinic is a legal practice whose goal is to use technology to bridge academic and professional practice by engaging students, staff, and professional organizations in answering legal questions from the public. collaboration between staff. Participating students will be evaluated based on the advice provided.

History Video Presentation - Clare Eustance (History) replaces traditional essay writing with a video presentation about Jack the Ripper London.

Peer Guidance via Podcasts - Led by Gavin Rand (History), the project aims to use the experiences of Level 5 students to create an audio assessment guide for young peers.

Podcasts as a Form of Assessment - Business Andrew Ferrier, of his School of Business, asks students to provide assessments in the form of podcasts.

Audiovisual Feedback – NRI's Erica Sheward used Adobe Connect to provide richer, higher quality feedback to master's students.

  • Hanae Qabil