Ubiquitous Learning and Instructional Technologies MOOC’s Updates


One ubiquitous learning program is Revision Assistant. The inspiration behind the invention of this computer-mediated learning program was students’ struggle with major aspects of formal writing, such as the clarity of ideas (e.g., content, organization). Instead of legacy learning environment, Revision Assistant program provided a circumstance in which students could be provided by peer and teacher feedback on the revision of argumentative letters in Google Docs. Both peers and the teacher left feedback in the form of Google Docs comments. The results was intriguing. Although the results showed that learners’ feedback were focused on surface-level feedback( not on deeper levels), it would be a new path to create a revised program to motivate and encourage learners to feedbacks which suggest changes to a deeper level. Through time, we will be able to create more and more computer-generated program.


  • Stephanie Wardrop