Ubiquitous Learning and Instructional Technologies MOOC’s Updates


As I have already directed all my comments and updates in both Scholar and Coursera related to COVID-19 Pandemic circumstances, here I would also like to write my update with a regard to the present conditions. A shift of focus from sheer summative feedback to summative one had already been observed. But more importantly, during the pandemic this shift of focus is supposed to be considered more crucially.

To start with, I have to say that parents took the teachers’ responsibilities. At the time being, mostly it would be incumbent upon parents to provide their children with sufficient amount of formative assessment to see if everything is comprehended thoroughly. Furthermore, the provision of feedback is implemented through synchronous or asynchronous methods as it left teachers and school principal with any other choices. During COVID-19, classes were held via ZOOM, Skype, or some specific applications developed by the school. Even if we intend to maintain traditional methodologies and perspectives (summative feedback and paper-based quizzes, or present standardized tests), we should make sure that the possibility of cheating will boost up that will lead to nothing but more illiterate students, whose only intention to be assessed is to terminate the semester by some fake marks. This seems to be a disaster to the learning setting. Surely, as avid scholars, educators, teachers, or whoever who would desire to contribute to the learning environment, we expect more than that.