Ubiquitous Learning and Instructional Technologies MOOC’s Updates

Describe and analyze an example of social learning supported by ubiquitous learning devices.

A great example is Scholar which in itself is like a social media application in the way it is set up with profiles, activity streams and updates. Cope mentions “…we curate the world…we build dialogue of various kinds…all those forms of interaction, the update, the survey, and the project, are about building dialogue between the students.” Scholar enables the teacher to set assessments and tasks, which require the student to publish an update with their work, which means the student becomes a knowledge producer. As well as this, students are encouraged to comment and open a dialogue on other students’ posts, which is an example of social learning. In this way, we are learning from one another and developing and forming opinions not just based on a video we watched made by our teacher. We are constantly giving our peers feedback through this activity streaming community which allows reflexivity and recursive feedback. Without Scholar, we would essentially just be watching videos and being dictated to by a teacher, which would mean we had not moved on from the old-school.
