BPESA National Virtual Skills Forum’s Updates

COVID-19 implications for GBS skilling

The pandemic has catapulted the world into uncertainty, and this has challenged a number of conventional practices, requiring many GBS operators to change. For many this occurred over a matter of days and weeks! I'm interested whether some of these changes will become the "new normal" and stick into the future. For example, Work from Home (WFH) has challenged the long held view that physical proximity is required to run effective processes. A number of operators have reported both locally and globally that in many cases, performance of agents WFH improved after providing computers, internet access and training. Many operators are now committed to implementing hybrid models and especially as buyers have become less sceptical towards WFH solutions. Indeed, these WFH solutions resulted in a degree of business continuity. I'm also interested to know how WFH operating models will require new skilling requirements such as: leading and managing remote teams; building high performance teams; conducting virtual recruitment interviews; measuring performance, managing and skilling for mental health etc. And how technology can enable skilling innovation for the "new normal".

  • William Cope