Disbursement of Petroleum Resources and Utilization of Images in Basic Education in Nigeria: A Synergy for Facilitating Lesson Comprehension


The use of images in education is fundamental to facilitating lesson delivery, comprehension, retention, and application that need to be supported through budgetary provision. The government of Nigeria, in recognition of the value of education to citizens, has chosen to direct proceeds from the petroleum industry, which is the largest income earner and the main generator of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the country to education. The nation’s Universal Basic Education (UBE) programme has overseen basic education since its inception in the year 2000 being sustained through disbursements from petroleum resources. This paper highlights the disbursements of the petroleum fund for the sustenance of the UBE programme. It also states the objectives of the scheme along with a discussion on the challenge of non-utilization of images in basic education in Nigeria, which hinders learners’ assimilation of concepts taught. The UBE as an innovative educational policy focused on holistic basic education of citizens needs to be managed and executed through the provision of all the necessary machinery for incorporating images in lesson delivery. Also recommended is that the Federal Account Allocation Committee (FAAC) should allocate a reasonable percentage of the nation’s oil revenue towards realization of the objectives for which the UBE was borne. This could make available funds to design images that are needed in classroom instruction for optimal grasp of lesson content.


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


The Image in Society