The Exuberance of Girls Living in Detention


A flood of representations and images surround us, forming the concepts that shape our past and futures. An image has the power to contain our historic memory, compose our lived perceptions and provoke action. Representations impact our behavior of acceptance and affirmation or rejection and exclusion. The life of an image is an encounter between three parties, the one producing the image, the person/s the image represents and the unchecked gaze of the audience. All are involved in a negotiation that has ramifications of power, social hierarchy, and personal vulnerability. This study looks at young girls living in detention in Fez Morocco and discusses how creating and exposing images of the girls by the girls and an intervening artist, changes perspectives of the girls, the image maker, and the community while promoting actionable behavior.


Joan Marie Kelly


Presentation Type

Online Lightning Talk


The Image in Society


Communities, Arts, Image, Portraits, Perceptions