Fashion Forward (Asynchronous Session)

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Process of Interiorisation: Explorations of a Novel Approach in Fashion Technique Pedagogy View Digital Media

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session
Lidya Chrisfens  

This study offers an exploratory journey on the experimentation of a novel approach to a fashion technique pedagogy using the Process of Interiorisation. This methodological approach will open up a line of research inquiry specific to fashion design. By exploring blind-draping and blind-drafting, this experiment explored how emotions and memories played vital roles in the interiorisation process to trigger imagination. The findings from this intense experiential process led to the discovery of Atmospheric Space, Collective Unconscious, Conceptual Space, and the Emergence of Imagination, all of which contributed to the creative output in a streetwear design. Simultaneously, they ground the theoretical frameworks for the methodology and pedagogy. This thesis adopts a relatively descriptive style in a personal reflection that helps me transform the way I teach, and makes me question the pedagogy that underpins my teaching practice. The style of journaling demonstrates my reflexivity, perceptions, and the insights that I had gained during this experimentation with a student subject.

Cultivate Leadership Attitude in the Multi-cultural New Deal: A Case Study in Fashion and Creative Design Education View Digital Media

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session
Francesco Galli,  Xiaozhu Lin  

Every society is the bearer of its own culture which is composed of the elements that have a special meaning for the community. Today’s cultural and creative Industries education market is facing an evolving academic paradigm. The revolutionary change of our society and the increasingly diverse international request to rethink their long-standing philosophies towards creative education. In what ways is the society’s uncertain future challenging the traditional pedagogy? In what forms could the fashion and design curriculum be evolved to prepare graduates for this highly globalized society? With the increasing orientation towards the request of the impulsive globalized workforce, universities have given increased commitments to internationalization. According to UNESCO and CGE, the 21st-century skills and competencies generally include cognitive competency, intra-personal competency, and interpersonal competency. This paper emphasizes mainly the last category which includes communication skills, organizational skills, collaboration, teamwork, leadership, openness, sociability, and global awareness. The researchers try to explain the mutated role of the creative educator from who delivers the educational content, to the ‘coach,’ who “design” the learning process for the future creative leaders. In conclusion, the authors indicate that future thinking for design leadership needs to consider three factors: firstly, leadership thinking is not necessarily accessible for all expert designers; secondly, leadership signifies projecting the potentiality of taking responsibilities and develop critical thinking; lastly, the study implies that when facing the uncertainty of the organizational system, designers should anticipate and induce, rather than simply react to the changing opportunities.

User Centered Design Conceptualization of Upper Body Clothing for Female Hemiplegia Patients View Digital Media

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session
Asna Mubashra  

Clothing is one of essential human needs and is a subject of universal interest that has multidimensional approach. Ever increasing dimensions of clothing designing has recently developed its focus on fulfilling special needs of consumers who are physically challenged. This qualitative study incorporated user centered designing approach and fundamental activities of this user centered clothing design campaign involved creation of three adaptive clothing designs for upper body as line sketches; prototyping and construction of one as dress trial intervention by same study participants to assess effectiveness of proposed clothing. Conclusively it was found that specially designed adaptive clothing solution which prioritized user centered needs helped physically challenged female consumers to obtain quality of life, dignity, and ease.

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