Process of Interiorisation: Explorations of a Novel Approach in Fashion Technique Pedagogy


This study offers an exploratory journey on the experimentation of a novel approach to a fashion technique pedagogy using the Process of Interiorisation. This methodological approach will open up a line of research inquiry specific to fashion design. By exploring blind-draping and blind-drafting, this experiment explored how emotions and memories played vital roles in the interiorisation process to trigger imagination. The findings from this intense experiential process led to the discovery of Atmospheric Space, Collective Unconscious, Conceptual Space, and the Emergence of Imagination, all of which contributed to the creative output in a streetwear design. Simultaneously, they ground the theoretical frameworks for the methodology and pedagogy. This thesis adopts a relatively descriptive style in a personal reflection that helps me transform the way I teach, and makes me question the pedagogy that underpins my teaching practice. The style of journaling demonstrates my reflexivity, perceptions, and the insights that I had gained during this experimentation with a student subject.


Lidya Chrisfens
Lecturer, School of Fashion, Lasalle College of the Arts, Singapore


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2021 Special Focus: Towards a (Design) New Deal


Process of Interiorisation, Atmospheric Space, Conceptual Space, Imagination, Blind-draping, Blind-drafting