User Centered Design Conceptualization of Upper Body Clothing for Female Hemiplegia Patients


Clothing is one of essential human needs and is a subject of universal interest that has multidimensional approach. Ever increasing dimensions of clothing designing has recently developed its focus on fulfilling special needs of consumers who are physically challenged. This qualitative study incorporated user centered designing approach and fundamental activities of this user centered clothing design campaign involved creation of three adaptive clothing designs for upper body as line sketches; prototyping and construction of one as dress trial intervention by same study participants to assess effectiveness of proposed clothing. Conclusively it was found that specially designed adaptive clothing solution which prioritized user centered needs helped physically challenged female consumers to obtain quality of life, dignity, and ease.


Asna Mubashra
In Charge, Department of Textile Design , College of Art & Design, University of the Punjab, Punjab, Pakistan


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Designed Objects


User Centered Design, Design Theory, Collaborative Design, Human Factor, Functional