Brett Granborg’s Updates

Assignment 17

By browsing random subreddits on Reddit one can see that there are forums on the site for everything. People can have free and open discussion about everything – from sports teams to music production, rock climbing, and interior decorating. Reddit greatly enhances the free speech of all individuals by providing them with a medium to share ideas, show off what they have accomplished, or talk shop with others who are enthusiastic about the same things they are. The site frequently hosts AMAs (Ask me anything) where public figures or people with interesting stories to tell (like people who fought off a bear or survived the holocaust) can answer questions from anyone. There are also advice columns where people can talk about relationships, finances, fashion or anything else.

                While this site acts as a great medium for free speech, it also provides a medium for those with harmful and perverse ideas to validate themselves with like-minded people. Reddit usually makes an effort to ban harmful subreddits such as /r/fatpeoplehate and /r/rapingwomen, where violence against certain people or groups of people propagates. However their policy is that hate is ok on their site as long as it does not take a violent direction. So they don’t make an effort to ban subreddits such as /r/theredpill, a pick-up artist subreddit whose name references The Matrix, its users having “taken the red pill” and realized that men are actually the underprivileged group in society now and women need to be gamed and manipulated in order to bring back a culture of objectifying women. Examples of this on the subreddit are not hard to find.

Sites like these are only moderated due to the self-regulating nature of free speech. There is nothing that a government where free speech is an inalienable right can do, and nothing that a website which monetizes upon free and open discussion (even hateful discussion) will do, so it is the duty of the public to use their free speech to ostracize these individuals so that they either come to their senses or are shamed out of public attention. With such hateful forum comes hatred for its members, so anonymity is the only thing which continually insures their membership.