Onojo Otowo’s Updates

  • Week 1 Assignment

    Q1: List items currently missing from the questionnaire that are needed to achieve the stated survey objectives


    Q2: List of questionnaire items currently unrelated to achieving the stated survey objectives


    Q3: Recommend how...More

  • Module A2 - Week 1 Assignment

    Q1: List items currently missing from the questionnaire that are needed to achieve the stated survey objectives


    Q2: List of questionnaire items currently unrelated to achieving the stated survey objectives


    Q3: Recommend how...More

  • Week 3 Assignment

    Answer to Question 0: for strata of 10, overall sample size would be 10,560 total interviews needed, 62,118 households to be visited in 6,212 households in each stratum. (Using the excel sheet for calculations)

    Question 1. What additional informati...More

  • Week 2 Assignment

    Your assignment is to prepare an Update responding to five questions:

    Q1. Given this information, what would be the overall sample size?

    A1: 105,600

    Q2. How many households would have to be visited?

    A2: 621,177

    Q3. What do you think of this est...More

  • Week 1 Assignment

    Question #1. Should Harmonia conduct an EPI survey early next year? What are your considerations?

    Answer #1

    Yes, Harmonia should not conduct an EPI survey early next year


    Question #2. The steering committee includes represent...More