Onojo Otowo’s Updates

Module A2 - Week 1 Assignment

Q1: List items currently missing from the questionnaire that are needed to achieve the stated survey objectives.


  • BCG vaccine
  • IPV vaccine
  • Sex of child
  • Residence demography – Rural/Urban
  • Residence address
  • Birth order
  • Literacy of caregiver

Q2: List of questionnaire items currently unrelated to achieving the stated survey objectives.


  • Yellow fever vaccine
  • Rota vaccine as it will be introduced this year in Harmonia
  • Mobility questions form RI6
  • Questions (RI118 – RI121) relating to abscess on form RI5

Q3: Recommend how to improve the alignment between questionnaire and the stated survey objectives.


  • Form RI2 should be reorganized to reflect the information (and order) on the vaccination cards in Harmonia
  • Vaccination data by card and recall be placed side by side
  • Reason for partial or no vaccination questions after vaccination data

Q4: What steps would you take to ensure that interviewers ask the questions in the same standardized manner?


  • Selection of interviewers from the health work force knowledgeable on EPI schedule
  • Training of interviewers on IPC skills for them to be able get vaccination records from parents/caregivers and how to interpret evidence of vaccination
  • Piloting/ field trial of the survey questionnaire
  • Survey forms should be simple and may be translated into the local language
  • National EPI schedule should be printed and attached to each questionnaire
  • Explanatory notes for the questions been asked
  • Questionnaire should be checked by the interviewer first, and later by the supervisor to ensure that they are filled correctly.
  • Supportive supervision and monitoring

Q5: What factors may contribute to ascertainment bias in this survey?


  • Household selection - Selection bias
  • Recall bias – Vaccination is misclassified by parents/caregivers as they are not able to give correct details
  • Interviewers bias – interviewer may apply his own knowledge to fill the data when parents are not sure
  • Social desirability bias - Providing true maternal recall, for reasons for no vaccination
  • Information bias – inconsistent probing by interviewer for vaccination information recall
  • Absence of respondents in the homes
  • Non- availability of SOPs and instructions for each questionnaire
  • Questionnaires have terms that are not understood by the respondents
  • Lack of testing the questionnaires field and at the health facilities
  • Poor quality of interviewer's training
  • Lack of cross checking the data before leaving the house