Onojo Otowo’s Updates

Week 3 Assignment

Answer to Question 0: for strata of 10, overall sample size would be 10,560 total interviews needed, 62,118 households to be visited in 6,212 households in each stratum. (Using the excel sheet for calculations)

Question 1. What additional information would you need?

Answer: 1) We will need the Harmonia expected program vaccination coverages, 2) Delta for coverages below 90%, 3) Alpha for type 1 probability error and 4) Beta for type 11 probability error.

Question 2. Based on this new request, what would be the overall sample size?

Answer: For strata of 10 the 3,160 completed interviews is required with visits to 18,598 households in 320 clusters per stratum (Using the excel sheet for calculation)

Question 3. What decision would you make regarding the survey scope and objectives? What is your rationale for this decision?

Answer: considering the need of the steering committee I will recommend Classifying at the provincial level which will help in improving the vaccination programme and requires less workload, logistics and costing and carry out a national estimation of coverages as both will meet the demands of the stakeholders and steering committee members.