Onojo Otowo’s Updates

Week 1 Assignment

Question #1. Should Harmonia conduct an EPI survey early next year? What are your considerations?

Answer #1.

Yes, Harmonia should not conduct an EPI survey early next year.


  1. DHS conducted 3 years back relied mostly on administrative data though shows remarkable results and there are ongoing improvement activities relating to data quality, reduction in drop out to improve coverage, it also introduced pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV) three years ago; all point to the fact that conduct of an EPI survey (an alternate survey) will serve as a reference baseline data to monitor the performance of the EPI program both at the national and local levels
  2. The last census for Harmonia was conducted 15 years back and both the numerator and denominator maybe wrong

Question #2. The steering committee includes representatives from the national Ministry of Health, National Statistics Office, WHO, UNICEF, and a donor. Given what you have already learned about Harmonia, what do you think will be their primary question of interest for the survey (estimation, comparison, or classification)? Why?

Answer #2.

The questions of interest will be to compare the DHS coverage which shows very high results of coverages with the proposed EPI survey since the DHS is based on administrative data

Question #3. Who will comprise the target population and why?

Answer #3.

The target population for the survey will comprise of Children 12-35 months of age
These are the target group that should have completed the RI scheduled