Nathan Seiger’s Updates

  • My personal ethos statement - Nathan Seiger


    In my life, I generally try to hold myself to a high standard of ethical behavior. I believe that I exhibit mostly a blend of Virtue Ethics and Deontology. When confronted with a situation that requires quick decision making, I tend toward...More

  • Assignment 19

    The most recent online game that I have is Call of Duty Black Ops II. I have not really played it much since it came out due to its lack of customization potential. I re-installed this game and played for some time. There did not seem to be much tal...More

  • Assignment 10

    Methods by which to control activities are likely implemented more easily through personal controls, in the case of parents wanting to monitor what their children are participating in while online. News coverage that highlights the negative effect o...More

  • Assignment 6

    So far as deontological thinking is concerned, I have recently been in a position which I believe can be construed as the execution of this philosophy. At my current employer, I am the union representative (steward) charged with ensuring that the co...More

  • Assignment 3

    The code of behavior at Google seems to indicate that action by employees should follow general "good citizen" rules. The actions favored by this code would be to ensure that all operations observed by employees are subject to interpretation by that...More

  • Assignment 2

    I have not much time for technological diversions at this time, here is my activity as I recall it thus far

