Nathan Seiger’s Updates

Assignment 6

So far as deontological thinking is concerned, I have recently been in a position which I believe can be construed as the execution of this philosophy. At my current employer, I am the union representative (steward) charged with ensuring that the company and employees maintain the agreed contract according to its content. A few days ago, the company started calling employees in to the office to have them sign an agreement, individually not collectively, regarding their employment, pay, etc. The very act of participating in direct bargaining with a member of a collective bargaining unit (union) is a violation of labor law. This, coupled with content that contradicts our collective agreement compelled me to speak out. I alerted the company to the fact that we would not be able to negotiate with them in this manner and that I would be taking the information to my union representative for review. I then developed an action plan to advise the company how they might revise their plan and open negotiations with the bargaining unit such that they would not be in violation of the law. I believe this fits within the Kantianism description of deontology as my actions were based in the duty of my position and the action I took based in good will.