Lawrence Larway’s Updates

Assignment 3

Zambia - Transformative Investment: National Team: Invest in a capable national team - supplied with sufficient resources and authority - to expertly manage each country's national immunization program

Why I have chosen this Transformative Investment

Well performing countries or districts in a country normally serve as models and serve as guides to other countries on how immunization programs can be improved and Zambia is no exception. Zambia needs to invest in a capable national team so it can manage its EPI well through peer-to peer learning by sharing and synthesizing experiences and best practices within and across countries.

7 - 9 Strategies chosen:

Enable opportunities for international peer- to-peer skill transfer between national immunization teams

Support collaboration and learning between national programme management teams through EPI managers meetings and exchanges of practices and experiences

Enhance evidence-based policy and decision-making
Ensure formal linkages between national technical, regulatory and advisory bodies
Promote programme learning, including operations research, to identify and disseminate best practices
Disseminate policy recommendations by RITAGs, IPAC, IVIRAC and SAGE
Use EPI managers meetings to disseminate global and regional policy as well as country-to-country peer sharing of national policies

3 Priority Strategies

Enable opportunities for international peer- to-peer skill transfer between national immunization teams
Support collaboration and learning between national programme management teams through EPI managers meetings and exchanges of practices and experiences
Use EPI managers meetings to disseminate global and regional policy as well as country-to-country peer sharing of national policies