CEL for Teachers’s Updates

Week 5 Update/Reflection

Hi everyone, we are past the halfway mark! Incredible engagement and co-discovery. Do try to update earlier in week so everyone has a chance to comment and widen/deepen dialogue. This week's prompt - 

“Economists have gotten their own story wrong…can you think of an incoherence in your own subject field and what implications this has or can have? (even better if there’s economic incoherence eg.art as expression of beauty/truth but how its expressions are being commodified and falsified?” (150-200 words)

  • Robin Ford Coron
  • Cat Ho
  • Nina Wakefield
  • Cat Ho
  • Kristina Pilgueva
  • Nina Wakefield
  • Tammy Cheng
  • Cat Ho
  • Kristina Pilgueva
  • Tammy Cheng
  • Cat Ho
  • Tammy Cheng
  • Nina Wakefield
  • Tammy Cheng
  • Cat Ho