Caroline Mwangi’s Updates

Immunization in Somalia

Somalia is still undergoing an extensive transition, having emerged from more than 20 years of internal conflict. The drought situation currently being experienced in the country has thrown the health system into disarray, with numerous communicable disease outbreaks, among them measles and AWD/cholera, being experienced in various parts of the country. Worse still, procurement of vaccines is still a challenge, as the MoH does not have the capacity to do this at the national level. Most of the health care system is run by the private sector and international non-governmental organizations (INGOs), which leaves the decision for provision of certain much needed services at the whim of the supplier.

I work with an INGO within Somalia that provides health and nutrition, WASH, Governance, Livelihoods and Women's Protection and Empowerment services. I would like to make a difference in this context, no matter how minimal, especially considering the most vulnerable populations in need of care are women, children, the elderly and the disabled.