Mairi Freeman’s Updates

Update 1: McGraw Hill Education Suite

There are multiple different learning technologies that are at educators disposal in the age of technology. For educators that are in the classroom every day such as myself, we are seeing a progressive shift to integrating online learning via the likes of google classroom, schoolology, canvas, blackboard, desire to learn (D2L), khan academy and other online learning platforms. Within the district I teach in the learning platform we utilize is an extension of McGraw Hill known as ConnecEd.

ConnectEd is similar to a hybrid class that allows educators to assign specific content and assignments to students that are all correlated to the common core state standards that are embedded within the curriculum. Having access to a learning platform such as ConnectEd greatly improves and individualizes the learning experience of my students. In my classroom, like most classrooms there are a variety of learners who each have different needs and accomodations. Utilizng ConnectEd allows my students to receive individualized learning via curriculum that is tailored to their instructional level of learning. Furthermore, ConnectEd provides the ease of mangaging and monitoring assignments for the educator, but also allows students to see their own assignments, grades, and participation which creates a sense of ownership towards their education. 

Additionally, student assignments can be tracked in an online format which is useful for data tracking and progress monitoring. I also think that it is useful for students to begin submitting, and partaking in online tests as early as possible (I teach 5th grade), as more and more high schools and higher education institutes are moving away from traditional paper pencil assignments and tests, and towards online platforms.

Media embedded September 9, 2018