Elizabeth Blystone’s Updates

Update 2: Is Teaching Truly a Mobile Profession?

 Dr. Cope mentioned the flexibility of teaching and the ability for teachers to teach anywhere in the world. I am discovering just how true this is. There is currently a drastic up rise of overseas teaching jobs aimed at American and Canadian teachers to teach English. Countries such as China, Japan and Korea are offering Americans and Canadians teaching jobs and the opportunity to live abroad. The demand is so high in fact that traveling, housing and food expenditures are often covered by the hiring entity and this is in addition to salary. So why is there such a demand for native English speaking teachers to teach English abroad?

According to Yue Wang, a writer for Forbes, parents are not satisfied with Chinese classrooms’ unnatural teaching methods. They believe excellent English speaking skills are crucial for the ever globally expanding China. Chinese parents want there children to speak English as second nature and with an American accent. This is why many companies are springing forth to connect countries like China to American teachers. Classes are taught on an online program typically with 30 minute lessons to children aged 5-12 years old.



The market for online language lessons is booming as well. It is forecast to grow more than 20% from 4.5 billion to 7.8 billion between now and 2019. Companies such as the one I work for, VIPKID are growing exponentially in very short period of time. VIPKID, based in Beijing, China, began in 2013 and now has 20,000 teachers and 200,000 students according to their statistics in the company newsletter. This year, VIPKID raised 200 million from reputable Chinese investors and even closer to home investors like Kobe Bryant.


These companies are not offering minimum wage either. A teacher can work from home, make their own schedule and be paid a fair amount. It seems a teachers’ value is being realized although not in the states but overseas. That is a start isn’t it?

VIPKID class as it actually appears. The lesson is on the left and accessible by the teacher. The student and teacher appear on the right.



Wang, Y. (2017, August 29). Why Chinese Education Companies Are Chasing U.S. Teachers. Retrieved September 08, 2017, from https://www.forbes.com/sites/ywang/2017/08/29/why-chinese-education-companies-are-chasing-u-s-teachers/#44f1cb52131f

Dave, P., & Lien, T. (2016, August 22). How Kobe Bryant plans to leverage his global appeal and marketing savvy as a tech investor. Retrieved September 08, 2017, from http://www.latimes.com/business/technology/la-fi-tn-la-tech-20160822-snap-htmlstory.html

  • Michael R. Conn