Omotola Tolulope Akinrinade’s Updates

Week 2 Community assisgnment

Week 2 Community assignment

Country of focus: Sudan

Data flows: Data flows from all vaccination sites ( health facilities ) to localities, from localities to State MOH (EPI Unit) and from States MOH (EPI Unit) to Federal MOH (EPI unit)

Different reporting layers: The reporting is done by the Routine Immunization focal persons to the locality operation officers, from locality operation officers to State operation officers and from State operation officers to the National immunization officer at the FMOH.

Collection of data: The data is first collected by the vaccinators, the vaccinations together with the RI focal persons prepares the data reports and send to the locality officer, the prepared paper report is sent to the State operation officer and at this level, the data is entered into electronic system and sent to the National Immunization officer who receives and reviews the reports together with the National EPI manager.

Data verification, cleaning and feedback: At the State and National level, the paper reports and softcopies are checked for consistency and validated. If any of the data is incorrect or not consistent, the attention of the concerned officers are called to this, to check, correct and and re-send the data.

Relevant key players at each levels

Health facility – RI focal persons, vaccinators and community mobilizers

Locality – Locality operation officers, Medical record officers and Medical officers

State – EPI managers, State operation officers, State HMIS officer, Medical directors, National Medical officers (WHO), UNICEF officers and other supporting NGOs

National – National EPI managers, National operation officers, National HMIS officers, WHO, UNICEF and other supporting NGOs

Data flows and data tools used across all levels

Immunization tally sheet, Immunization registers, Immunization Summary forms (At the health facility level) ⇒ Locality summary form (Locality level) ⇒ State Immunization registers (State level) ⇒ National Immunization registers (National level)

SWOT Analysis

Strength: All localities reporting RI data

Weakness: Paper reports at HF and locality level which is prone to reporting error

Opportunities: Regular review meeting for data used and actions at all levels

Threats: Civil unrest in the country which has greatly affected the program.

  • Birhanu Areda Beressa