Fatmata Gegbe’s Updates

Week 8: Factors that determine build feasibility and market of Artificial Limbs {prosthesis} as a medical Device

Over 25 million people living in developing countries are amputees and are therefore unable to walk as a result of trauma,disease or congenital anormalies. In the U.S, the likelihood is due to high rates of obesity which is a risk factor for atherioscleriosis and diabetis. Artificial limbs are designed and made of fiber-reinforced polymer which is connected to a prosthetic system. It is connected to an artificial foot with the upper part padded with a prosthetic socket mostly lined with cotton or synthetic making it comfortable for the user. People with above knee amputation are the target population for the use of this device.

A prosthesis is an artificial device that replaces a missing body part thus restoring the normal functioning of the body. The artificial limb indeed fits this description as the individual or amputee will go about normal life unaided and with comfort. The artificial limb enables the user to eat,walk,dress and even drive automatic vehicles independently. It also provide psychological benefits for the user as he or she can perform just like before amputation.The intervention of a prosthetist or rehabilitation counselor is necessary to work with the amputee so as to provide a well or best fitting limb and so enjoy the feasibility of having a prosthesis. The manual locking knees enables walking with better stability. Even with weight gain the prosthesis can still can mobility easier. It is water proof and can be washed or clean. The interesting thing that makes it feasible and a high market value is about it use.The user only need first time training but can be placed on and off by user herself.

However, for sustainanability there is need for a facility with tools and equipments to fit and repair the prosthesis. In Sierra Leone there is the Handicap International an international Non Governmental project for rehabilitabilition of amputees. Government should also partner with international bodies to make sure there is distribution of high and consistent supply of quality limbs.