Erica Pence’s Updates

Update 1: Incentive Theory

Media embedded January 16, 2019

The incentive theory here explained by Khan Academy ties in Skinner's behaviorism and conditioning. It discusses the importance of rewarding positive behavior with the hopes of that behavior repeating One key takeaway is the timeliness behind the reward. If the reward is given immediately, the chance of that behavior occurring again is greater. As teachers, it is challenging to provide rewards immediately but by incorporating the practice of positive narration or acknowledging student behavior is an excellent first step. During professional development at my school, we spent a lot of time discussing what we should do about negative behavior and consequences. We attended a responsive classroom training and learned that the best way to deal with negative student behavior is in its framing. We learned that it is important to respond to behavior not by giving them a consequence, but by taking away a privilege. Depending on the behavior, it is important for the student to have a chance to earn their privilege back.