Tosin Orhorhamreru’s Updates

Low Immunization Coverage:

Nigeria has 36 States and a Federal Capital Territory with a total of 774 local government areas. Technical leadership for immunization is provided for the country by the NPHCDA providing vaccines, immunization guidelines and technical support for states and LGAs.

Despite the huge investment by the government of Nigeria at all level and her partners in the country immunization programme, Penta3 coverage remains low nationally at 33% as against 95% expected. 2016 MICS survey report shows that 31% of children who received penta1 did not complete the 3-dose Penta series. Result shows 23% of children in Nigeria are fully vaccinated.

Reasons children are not fully vaccinated ranges from

1. Lack of awareness-42%

2. Service delivery issues- 25%

3. Mistrust or fears- 22%

4. Lack of time or other family issues- 18%

5. Others -9%

Strategies of solving the challenge

1. BCC to creating more awareness

2. Improved service delivery

3. Engaged community leaders and group on benefits of immunization

4. Improve data management

5. Increase vaccination strategy

Key Strategies

1. BCC to creating more awareness

2. Improved service delivery

4. Improve data management