Activity Stream

  • Nathan Luise

    Nathan Luise has one new peer:

  • Nathan Luise

    Nathan Luise joined two communities:

    Added on July 27, 2018

  • Nathan Luise

    Nathan Luise joined one community:

    Added on July 27, 2018

  • Nathan Luise

    Nathan Luise posted a new update…

    Dealing with Bad Beats in Poker

    You're holding a pair of Aces. You raise and get some response. At the flop it’s the seven of clubs, the ten of hearts, and the eight of diamonds. The bet is to you and you bet. At the turn it’s the Jack of clubs. You bet again and are called. At...More

  • Nathan Luise

    Nathan Luise edited their profile information.

    Edited on July 26, 2018

  • Nathan Luise

    Nathan Luise changed their profile image.

    Changed at July 26, 2018

  • Nathan Luise

    Nathan Luise joined two communities:

    Added on July 26, 2018

  • Nathan Luise

    Nathan Luise joined one community:

    Added on July 26, 2018