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How To Compose A Strong Article Review: Vital Tips

An article review aims to provide both a summary of an article, but also an evaluation of the piece as well. You will need to include both of these pieces to create an excellent article review.

Main things

There are some key things to keep in mind when writing this paper. Read the article more than once One of the best pieces of advice is to read the article that you are writing about a few times before even starting any other writing procedures to accomplish your final goal. It is mainly because you want to really understand the piece so that everything else works out smoothly. You will retain more of the information by reading it more than once. It may seem like it is adding to the overall time that you have to spend on this project, but according to professionals from, it will actually save you time later.

Write an outline

This step is probably the most skipped step in the process. This is a huge mistake. Organize your ideas and make a plan as to how the paper is going to turn out so that you can concentrate on trying to prove that thesis statement. It can also help you decide what order to present your topics to get the most effective result. It will also make it easier to create transitions to bridge the ideas together in the final draft to ensure that it flows nicely.

The introduction should include the title, author, and summary

A key part of every paper is the introduction. It is the part of the paper where you draw the reader in to your paper. You have to make them want to continue reading your review. Make sure that you reference the title of the article that you are reviewing and the author. You want your readers to be able to have point of reference if they have read the article or make sure that you present a summary of the article that those that haven’t read it can still benefit from the paper. Describe your opinion of the article

Your own opinion
One of the major parts of this type of essay is the paragraph or two that you talk about your opinion of the article. It should present your opinion backed up by examples for the best effect. Be sure to include a conclusion Do not lose your focus when it comes to the conclusion. There are times when you will try to rush through it but remember that this is your lasting impression so make it good.