Activity Stream

  • Gareth Williams e-Learning Ecologies MOOC

    Gareth Williams commented on personalized learning in e-Learning Ecologies MOOC

    Hi Meyke. Thank you for the update and for the Howton resource; I am checking it out currently. I was also having some challenges with definitions - it might have to do with the traditions of Higher Ed that we find ourselves in. That we cannot move...More

  • e-Learning Ecologies MOOC

    Gareth Williams posted an update in e-Learning Ecologies MOOC

    Adaptive Learning

    Adaptive Learning (AL) refers to responsive learning environments that make use of technology to track every aspect of learner interaction or the “micro-steps of the learning process” (Cope and Kalantzis 2016). "This often takes place in real-time,...More

  • e-Learning Ecologies MOOC

    Gareth Williams posted an update in e-Learning Ecologies MOOC

    Situated Cognition

    Situated Cognition (SC) is a theoretical construct which encompasses various viewpoints and interpretations, with a general base assumption “that cognition is inherently tied to the social and cultura...More

  • Gareth Williams

    Gareth Williams has one new peer:

  • e-Learning Ecologies MOOC

    Gareth Williams posted an update in e-Learning Ecologies MOOC

    Update #3: Multiliteracies

    "The logic of Multiliteracies is one which recognises that meaning making is an active, transformative process, and a pedagogy based on that recognition is more likely to open up viable lifecourses for a world of change and diversity."

    Bill Cope an...More

  • Gareth Williams

    Gareth Williams edited their profile information.

    Edited on April 16, 2018

  • Gareth Williams

    Gareth Williams joined three communities:

    Added on April 04, 2018

  • Gareth Williams

    Gareth Williams joined two communities:

    Added on April 04, 2018

  • Gareth Williams

    Gareth Williams joined one community:

    Added on April 03, 2018