Daphne Gavins’s Updates

  • Update 2: A New Educational Technology

    Sharing with the Community. Originally created Oct. 31, 2017


    I find it quite interesting to see the ways in which teachers go over and beyond to reach students. With social media and other outside influences, capturing their attention has to be...More

  • Update 2 A New Educational Technology

    I find it quite interesting to see the ways in which teachers go over and beyond to reach students. With social media and other outside influences, capturing their attention has to be a challenge. The Boys & Girls Club is also very motivated in...More

  • Update 1

    My name is Daphne and I have worked in academia as an HR Professional for over 23 years. My tenure at the University of Illinois at Chicago (University Faculty Affairs/Human Resources and COM Psychiatry), as well as at the University of Chicago have...More
