Activity Stream

  • Mohamed Kulu Farah

    Mohamed Kulu Farah changed their profile image.

    Changed at October 22, 2018

  • Mohamed Kulu Farah

    Mohamed Kulu Farah joined one community:

    Added on October 15, 2018

  • Sourabh Saxena

    Sourabh Saxena joined one community:

    Added on June 22, 2018

  • Sourabh Saxena

    Sourabh Saxena posted a new update…

    Rapid immunization skill enhancement, skill based training for immunization and use of technology

    The immunization programme in the past years has undergone tremendous reforms to not only address coverage, equity and quality but has also expanded the disease spectrum covered, by introducing new vaccines like pentavalent, rotavirus and IPV to red...More

  • Sourabh Saxena

    Sourabh Saxena joined one community:

    Added on June 22, 2018

  • Sourabh Saxena

    Sourabh Saxena joined one community:

    Added on June 22, 2018

  • Mohamed Kulu Farah

    Mohamed Kulu Farah joined one community:

    Added on June 08, 2018

  • Mohamed KuluFarah

    Mohamed Kulu Farah commented on their update develop strategies to reach pastoralist population in Somalia ...

    Dear Bashir Actually the biggest problem hindering to achieve our goal of routine immunization is that 1. Movements of nomadic population one place to another 2. insecurity of whole country and 3. refusal with different areas such believes and...More

  • Mohamed Kulu Farah

    Mohamed Kulu Farah joined one community:

    Added on October 10, 2017

  • Mohamed Kulu Farah

    Mohamed Kulu Farah has one new peer:

  • Mohamed Kulu Farah

    Mohamed Kulu Farah joined one community:

    Added on October 09, 2017

  • Mohamed Kulu Farah

    Mohamed Kulu Farah posted a new update…

    develop strategies to reach pastoralist population in Somalia

    I am going to develop the best strategy to reach the pastoralist population in Somalia, which very usefull to my country. Huge number of population are living hard to reach areas which needs suitabale strategy for mobile communities.

  • Mohamed Kulu Farah

    Mohamed Kulu Farah joined one community:

    Added on October 08, 2017