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Some Impeccable Tips to Garner your e-Commerce Website Design with Conversion Factor in 2018

Good two months have passed and we have very nicely settled into the New Year 2018. A lot has been heard revolving around the latest trends for this year, especially in the technology sector. Some e-commerce website design agencies in Dubai also contributed by rolling out their predictions for the year ahead but in this article, we are not going to talk about trends and predictions at all.

This article is going to all about the customer journey that starts with a customer landing on your e-commerce website design page fostered by your e-commerce website design company. Let us now look at the six sure shot tips that could help you improve your search rankings and allow a better user experience by exposing your e-commerce website design in front of increase online searchers.

Focus on all kinds of search engine optimization

Links make up a crucial factor when it comes to search engine optimization for any website design. For an e-commerce website to do well in the market, it has to be search engine optimized according to internal land external environments. Some of the prominent SEO terms are META Tags, H1 and URLs properly optimized. Along with the on-page SEO, your off-page SEO efforts should be enlarged, in form of guest blogging, blog posting, and brand mentions. If your search optimization efforts are not optimized for your e-commerce website, your brand is highly unlikely to rank on the first page of Google searches, thus deducting a huge number of prospects that can land on to your website and could probably convert to successful sales down the lane.

Don’t forget to optimize around category keywords

To optimize your search engine efforts, one thing that you shouldn’t miss is the optimization of your e-commerce website pages around the category keywords. In an event of an e-commerce website, people will highly likely to search for general terms like “cosmetic products online”, therefore it is important to not only have this keyword used at least 2 times in a word length of 500 per page but also other optimization efforts revolves around the same keyword to put it on the top on an organic search page if someone comes and writes this search term on the search engine.

Do not forget to write original content

It has been heard far and wide that content is king and whoever has said it, hasn’t exclaimed any wrong. Content is probably the one crucial element upon which the search engine optimization of any online business depends greatly upon. It is therefore advised to every website owner that not only their website pages should feature uniquely written and original content but the emphasis should be put to keep updating this content and tweak it with the latest information to keep the interest factor alive in your target audience. Another very effective technique to receive benefit from your content is to make sure to submit blog posts to guest forums and earn a backlink from them. When the search engine crawler will recognize your backlink on some other forum, it will recognize it as a useful post and will provide it a better score that is going to directly reflect on your organic search rankings on the search engine.

Customer reviews for the front row

Customer reviews go a long way in promoting the positive rapport of your e-commerce website design online along with persuading your target customers to buy from you. Including original customer reviews is a great idea, especially on your paid advertising landing pages and sale closure pages whereby reading them the online prospect might feel moved and create the trust that is required for him to complete the payment options.

Optimize with your searcher’s intent

There are two fundamental kinds of scan goal for web-based business sites: examining and purchasing. On the off chance that somebody is hoping to see more about an item, they ought to have the capacity to discover all the data they are searching for in your blog entries. In like manner, your item and classification pages ought to be streamlined for the individuals who are prepared to purchase. So do whatever it takes not to over-burden your item pages with instructive substance, and utilize your blog for this.


Search engine optimization isn’t a fix for all issues that lie within the business development power of an e-commerce website design. since every business is different therefore the strategy that any business owner employs to increase the conversion factor of his e-commerce website design should always be first consulted with the Dubai's e-commerce website design company who is going to give you expert advice on what tweaks are required and how can they able your website to persuade more customers to purchase from you.

  • Sarika Verma