Sydney Frye’s Updates

Assignment 3

After reading about the stance that Google takes, it is very clear to me that Google has a very solid code of ethics and guidelines for behavior. Imagining Google hired me, I would see that from their code of behavior they would favor employees who have a high moral code, that is a personality that is very respectful of other people’s boundaries, and is respectful of the business they work for. They would favor behavior that was very organized and worked at a fast but efficient pace. Google does not tolerate error and they understand how fast the world moves, but even they state that “Its best to do one thing really, really well” which I very much agree with because it is more important to have a quality product than to have more quantity of a lesser quality item. I do not believe that Google would favor behavior that is unethical and disrespectful. Being unorganized and not being trustworthy could cause problems in the Google offices because they expect their employees to not only adapt to the Google rules of behavior but to hold themselves accountable and expect themselves to do the right thing. I would love working for a company like Google based on their “Ten things we know to be true” because they share values that I hold to myself and staying true and honest with a hardworking attitude is never a bad thing.