Brian Roberts’s Scholar Publications

  • 2460681638733856

    The Instructional Design Process

    Published by EPSY 559 FA21 on January 05, 2022

  • 2460681637115932

    A Brief Literature Review of Assessment

    Published by EPSY 559 FA21 on December 07, 2021

  • 2460681633882805

  • 2460681632881569

    A literature Review of Ubiquitous Learning

    Published by EPOL 580 FA21 on September 29, 2021

  • 2460681618240569

    Examining MOOC Demographics and Design Practices

    Published by EPOL 486 SU21 on August 11, 2021

  • 2460681619402850

    An examination of the cognitive theory of multimedia learning

    Published by EPOL 583 SP21 on May 19, 2021

  • 2460681618772109

    Video in Online Learning: Theory and Practice

    Published by EPOL 583 SP21 on April 21, 2021

  • 2460681614546911

  • 2460681612744883

    The Digital Divide: A Literature Review

    Published by EPOL 581 SP21 on February 22, 2021

  • 2460681605753982

    Transactional Distance

    Published by EPSY 408 FA20 on December 15, 2020