Sarah Kahando’s Updates

learning to teach others

I can still vividly remember the first time I stood infront of 20 women who had never written anything in their lives staring at me and eargely waiting for me to help them begin their journey of becoming literate women. I was terrified and the fact that they had been carefully selected by their community to be the class did not help ease my fear. I had six months to work with the women and very few resources. I did not have the luxury of the world of internet and frankly, not a lot of expereince.That day began my journey in the world of literacy. It was a learning period that continues to date. I am still struggling to figure out the best way to help adults learn how to read and write and am hoping this course will help shed more light in what most times is a frustrating journey.

Currently I am a young mother of two. As a multilingual, I find myself on a different path though on the same journey. My literacy journey this time is on how to teach my children how to read and write in more than one language. I hope to highlight my journey as I learn along with others and share from my previous expereinces as much as I can. I look forward to sharing with anyone interested and really learn as we go along.