Ana Maria Osorio Mejia’s Shares

  • Determinantes del uso de los servicios de salud materna en el Litoral Pacífico Colombiano.

    En el presente artículo analizamos determinantes (individuales y de contexto) que inciden en el uso de servicios de atención en salud por parte de las madres, antes, durante y después del parto, en el Litoral Pacífico Colombiano. Para este objetivo construimos indicadores estadísticos y estimamos modelos de regresión binaria a partir de microdatos de la Encuesta Nacional de Demografía y Salud 2005 y del Registro Especial de Prestadores de Servicios de Salud del Ministerio de la Protección Social de Colombia. Los indicadores calculados y los modelos estimados muestran que las variables que más inciden en el uso -por parte de las madres- de los servicios de atención prenatal calificada, parto institucional y atención posparto son, en orden de importancia: la afiliación a un régimen de seguridad social en salud, el orden de nacimiento de los hijos e hijas, el nivel de educación y el lugar de residencia de la madre. De otra parte, se hace visible en este trabajo la profunda inequidad territorial que exhibe el litoral pacífico colombiano, cuando se analiza en forma específica su situación frente al promedio nacional en cuanto a la provisión y acceso a servicios sociales básicos.

    Credit: Luis Fernando Aguado Quintero** Luis Eduardo Girón Cruz, Ana María Osorio Mejía, Luis Miguel Tovar Cuevas, Jaime Rodrigo Ahumada Castro

  • Adolescents' psychological health during the economic recession: does public spending buffer health inequalities among young people?

    Abstract BACKGROUND: Many OECD countries have replied to economic recessions with an adaption in public spending on social benefits for families and young people in need. So far, no study has examined the impact of public social spending during the recent economic recession on health, and social inequalities in health among young people. This study investigates whether an increase in public spending relates to a lower prevalence in health complaints and buffers health inequalities among adolescents. METHODS: Data were obtained from the 2009/2010 "Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC)" study comprising 11 - 15-year-old adolescents from 27 European countries (N = 144,754). Socioeconomic position was measured by the Family Affluence Scale (FAS). Logistic multilevel models were conducted for the association between the absolute rate of public spending on family benefits per capita in 2010 and the relative change rate in family benefits (2006-2010) in relation to adolescent psychological health complaints in 2009/2010. RESULTS: The absolute rate of public spending on family benefits in 2010 did not show a significant association with adolescents' psychological health complaints. Relative change rates of public spending on family benefits (2006-2010) were related to better health. Greater socioeconomic inequalities in psychological health complaints were found for countries with higher change rates in public spending on family benefits (2006-2010). CONCLUSIONS: The results partially support our hypothesis and highlight that policy initiatives in terms of an increase in family benefits might partially benefit adolescent health, but tend to widen social inequalities in adolescent health during the recent recession.

    Credit: Rathmann K, Pförtner TK, Osorio AM4, Hurrelmann K, Elgar FJ6, Bosakova L, Richter M

  • Efectos de la realización de un megaevento deportivo sobre una economía local. El caso de los Juegos Mundiales 2013 Cali

    Purpose A summary of the economic impact resulting from the celebration of a sporting mega-event in the city of Cali, Colombia, is carried out in this article. Design/methodology/approach The impacts are estimated by means of the systematic effects produced by the activities of investment/expenditure of the identified agents and the consequent multiplying effects captured from an input-output model. Findings The World Games represented a new income flow to the city of Cali of $101.036 million pesos (≡US$53.4 mill.) and 9.598 jobs were created (≡7,711 full-time jobs). Additionally, 2,174 foreign tourists and 11,250 national tourists were attracted to the city. Originality/value The article contributes with innovative aspects methodologically speaking, useful for future studies of economic impact in cities with low tourism located in developing countries.

    Credit: Luis F. Aguado Ana M. Osorio Alexei Arbona, Jesús C. Peña-Vinces

  • Newspaper Reading as a Form of Cultural Participation: The Case of Colombia

    Abstract: Cultural participation and its usual forms have been almost exclusively studied for Western industrialised countries. We fill this gap by analysing newspaper reading in Colombia, where this form of cultural participation is particularly important and potentially enables significant crossovers at societal level. We apply an economic model with rational addiction to national micro data from the “Survey on Cultural Consumption 2012”. In a country where the habit of reading on paper still resists a relative diffusion of the Internet, we show the persistence of a certain participation gap even if with some distinctive features with respect to general cultural participation. The average profile of a Colombian newspaper reader corresponds to a middle-high educated white/mixed male in his working age, married/cohabiting and living in metropolitan areas. Regressions results show that both the likelihood and the intensity of reading newspapers are positively influenced by higher levels of education and having a habit of reading in general, a higher age, being a male and resident in major cities. From a policy perspective, our findings point to possible socio-economic leverages in order to lower such a participation gap, and hence contribute to foster more egalitarian conditions among the population. Keywords: Cultural participation; Newspaper readings; Participation

    Credit: Luis F. Aguado, Elisabetta Lazzaro, Luis A. Palma Martos, Ana M. Osorio Mejía

  • Contexto socioeconómico de la comunidad y desnutrición crónica infantil en Colombia

    RESUMEN OBJETIVO Analizar la influencia del contexto socioeconómico de la comunidad sobre la desnutrición infantil crónica en Colombia. MÉTODOS Utilizando datos de la Encuesta Nacional de Demografía y Salud en Colombia en 2010, se estimaron modelos logísticos multinivel. La muestra final incluyó 11.448 niños menores de cinco años anidados en 3.528 comunidades. Además, se utilizó el Análisis de Componentes Principales usando correlaciones policóricas para la construcción de indicadores compuestos de riqueza, autonomía de la mujer y el uso y acceso al sistema de salud. RESULTADOS El nivel de riqueza promedio de la comunidad resultó significativa e independientemente asociado con la desnutrición crónica en la primera infancia, por encima y más allá del propio estatus socioeconómico del hogar. A nivel individual y del hogar, la probabilidad de desnutrición crónica fue mayor para niños de madres con bajos niveles de autonomía y uso y acceso al sistema de salud, que han tenido su primer hijo en la adolescencia y que viven en hogares en los quintiles más bajos de riqueza. En contraste, niños de madres con un índice de masa corporal > 25 y con al menos educación secundaria (versus sin educación) tuvieron menor probabilidad de padecer desnutrición crónica. CONCLUSIONES Investigaciones, programas e intervenciones que tengan en cuenta el contexto físico, económico y social de las comunidades son necesarias para contribuir a mejorar el estado nutricional de la primera infancia en Colombia.

    Credit: Ana María OsorioI, Gustavo Alfonso Romero, Harold Bonilla, Luis Fernando Aguado