Anastasia Ushakova’s Updates


Infographics are widely used in all areas of knowledge as they help to visualize complex ideas effectively and in a simple way. According to Damyanov and Tsankov (2018), “Our modern days are characterized by a “visual boom” through which the information society of the 21st century passes, saturated with information produced by visual sources through visual means”. That is why it is not surprising that many sources of information nowadays are accompanied with various diagrams, charts, tables, maps, graphs, timelines, comparisons and schemes.

Even though infographic is extremely popular and is even becoming a part of the educational process (Alyahya, 2019), UrFU students are rarely (if at all) taught how to create, understand and describe it. Lack of visual literacy cause difficulties in processing and interpretation of visual information as well as in sharing gained knowledge with others.

The purpose of this article is to suggest a set of tasks for UrFU students that will help them to learn how to systematize and present data in their field of study in the form of infographics. These tasks can be integrated into usual English lessons or become a part of a specialized course dedicated to infographics.