Ashey Narciso’s Updates

Assignment #21 Digital Log - Ashley Narciso



What does your online behavior say about you? Do you let your realpersonality show, or are you pretending to be someone else online?

When it comes to my online behavior I am the same as I would be inperson; however, I am not one of those people who post every single thing that isoccurring in their life.

Are you honest and affirming to your online friends, or are you a deceitful troll? Would you hire someone like you, why or why not?

I am honest and affirming to my online friends- everything that I postpertains to my real life and are real pictures of me. I would never hire someone to like me, personally I don’t believe in that because it is trying to portray something that is not really there.

Do you see any areas that you might like to work on changing?

I do actually, I should stop trying to search up things that are occurring in the world because this is where I see a lot of unethical activity taking place. Another I can do is unfollow and unfriend people that post unethical activities.

Is your online life getting in the way of or enhancing your offline life? Doyou now see some ethical issues in your online life that you were unaware of before taking this course?

I do not let my online life affect me that much to where it is enhancing ofgetting in the way of my life, it’s just kind of there. The one thing I could stopdoing is being on my phone so much and being on these social media ebsites so much. I don’t see any unethical issues that I have had in my online life.