About Nat B. Frazer


  • Hi, I'm Nat Frazer, Chair of this session. I am a professor in the Department of Environment and Society at Utah State University, and former Dean of the College of Natural Resources. I look forward to our session as I am very interested in pedag...More


  • ENVS Dept. Utah State University
    • Professor
    • July 2013 to Present
  • Association of American Colleges and Universities
    • Senior Fellow
    • January 2012 to June 2013
  • USU College of Natural Resources
    • Dean
    • January 2006 to June 2011
  • University of Florida
    • Professor and Dept. Head, Wildlife Ecology and Conservation
    • January 1999 to December 2005
  • US Dept. of Energy
    • Associate Director, Savannah River ecology Lab
    • January 1993 to December 1998
  • Mercer University
    • Associate Professor & Dept. Head
    • September 1985 to December 1992
  • Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
    • Postoctoral Fellow
    • September 1983 to August 1985
  • Southern Illinois University School of Medicint
    • Instructor and Manager
    • September 1973 to May 1977


  • University of Georgia
    • Ph.D. Ecology
    • September 1977 to May 1983

    Ph.D. research on life history and demography of the Atlantic Loggerhead Sea Turtle.

  • University of Illinois at Springfield
    • M.A. History and Public Affairs
    • September 1971 to June 1973

  • University of Georgia
    • B.A. History
    • June 1969 to May 1971
