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Sean Polley - Lesson 3 Assignment 6

Deontological thinking in a nutshell is primarily concerned more about how the initial idea or action is considered to be right based on the fact that that action is acted upon by good will or with the intent of doing good overall regardless of the fact that there might be negative externalities or consequences because of this action. The deontological thinking that I have witnessed took place at an upscale fitness club in which I was working at over the summer. Unfortunately one of the patrons in the pool ended up choking underwater and long story short, the lifeguard on duty ended up having to dive in and rescue this drowning victim. After he pulled him out, with some CPR the lifeguard was able to restore breathing and consciousness. Unfortunately CPR can be a very violent process and it is not uncommon for the rib bones to be broken during this process. The deontological thinking here was that during the CPR the lifeguard was acting out of morality and with good will and the intent of doing good and saving this person’s life. The consequences of a few broken ribs and bruising on the patrons chest was never really taken into account; and even though that is something that would be considered immoral by itself because of the fact that the lifeguard was acting in good will from the start deontological thinking would consider the act to be good.