Chuming Jiang’s Updates

Week 2 update

My favorite video in week 2 was “How to convey professional presence”. By watching the video, I learned a lot. The main point of this video is telling you that is good for you to always make your self looks more confidence and professional by pay more attention to the way you act. This video also said, even though when we don’t feel confidence, acting in a confidence way also help us more than showing how lost we are. Sometimes, some ways of acting just makes us looks not confident or not professional enough. This video talk about 5 kind of action we need to pay attention. But I want to focus on 2 of them. 1. Talking too fast and too much. I agree with that. Talking too much or talking too fast will not only make us hard to catch all the information, but also showing a weak confidence. Moreover, people talking too fast or too much is not because they are really delivering many information, is actually because they don’t have a good ability to organize their words. So when people talking too fast or too much. They are telling others that they don’t have a good ability to organize their words. 2. Finishing others sentences. I agree with that too. There are some people in my real life, they always finish your sentence before you finish your speaking. To me, they act in that way to make people think they are smart, but I only feel a little bit being offended. Also, I feel that they kind of people that rush to the answer of a question before deeply think about it. and they just want people to think that they are smart. For me, I appreciate people who will take their time, and give me a serious response that really comes from their brain. Actually, I’m this kind of person too. At least I’m trying to be this kind of person.

This is another vedio that has the similar idea:

In the video, the Youtuber make people vote for a chart about people who looks taking a good care about them self and people who looks take a average care about them self. And most people think that people who looks taking a good care about them self are more likely to have a winning personality, more likely to be happy in life, more likely to have a great job. The funny thing is, for the question "Will them become a good parents?", more people vote for people who looks take a average care about them self.