Haleigh Monyek’s Updates

  • Update 4: Key Ideas in SEL Curriculum and its Technology Usage

    One SEL curriculum I researched is Second Step. Second Step is a scripted program serving over 20 million students and is translated into fifteen languages and dialects. The curriculum is for preschool through eighth grade. Lessons range from five t...More

  • Update 3: Critics of SEL in Schools and Those Against Using Technology to Teach SEL

    In a ten year systematic review of the international use of social emotional learning programs in urban schools, research concluded that SEL interventions are “promising in supporting student outcomes” (McCallops et al., 2019, p. 24). These positive...More

  • Update 2: Social-Emotional Learning Curriculum and Technology in K-12 Classrooms

    Social emotional learning in schools began with Dr. James Comer in 1968 along with his colleagues at Yale University’s Child Study Center as they pioneered a program to support the whole child in education in two schools in Connecticut. After about...More

  • Project Update 1: Social-Emotional Learning Curriculum and Technology in K-12 Classrooms

    My project will research how technology can be integrated into social-emotional learning in K-12 classrooms. I teach middle school, and my district touts about our strong social-emotional learning integration into our curriculum. However, we do not...More