About Cabrales Omar


  • Magister in Education and PhD. in Social and Human Sciences. Proffessor researcher in creativity, innovation and ICTs applied in Education


  • Universidad Militar Nueva Granada
    • Professor
    • Facultad de Educación y Humanidades
    • K11 101-80
    • January 1998 to Present


  • Universidad Militar Nueva Granada
    • PhD. in Social and Human Sciences
    • December 2021 to Present

    National and international Lecturer and Speaker with publications in the areas of education, bioethics and consumption, peace and post-conflict and management and strategical processes in organizations. Pedagogical Consultant. Writer with academic publications in books and papers, and literary publications in narrative and poetry. Professional with a high sense of responsibility and love for work, committed and with leadership skills.

  • Universidad Militar Nueva Granada
    • PhD. in Social and Human Sciences
    • December 2021 to Present

    National and international Lecturer and Speaker with publications in the areas of education, bioethics and consumption, peace and post-conflict and management and strategical processes in organizations. Pedagogical Consultant. Writer with academic publications in books and papers, and literary publications in narrative and poetry. Professional with a high sense of responsibility and love for work, committed and with leadership skills.

  • Universidad Militar Nueva Granada
    • PhD. in Social and Human Sciences
    • December 2012 to Present

    National and international Lecturer and Speaker with publications in the areas of education, bioethics and consumption, peace and post-conflict and management and strategical processes in organizations. Pedagogical Consultant. Writer with academic publications in books and papers, and literary publications in narrative and poetry. Professional with a high sense of responsibility and love for work, committed and with leadership skills.


  • Business And Innovation/Entrepreneurship Teacher Education

  • Bioethics/Medical Ethics

  • Historic Preservation And Conservation, Other

  • Creative Writing


  • Creativiy


  • English

  • Spanish

