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Interval nesting

Interval nesting

When determining the solution of an equation using interval nesting, the interval is reduced so that the zero of the corresponding function lies in the reduced interval - domyhomeworkclub . This procedure is repeated until the interval is so small that a value from the interval can be considered a sufficiently accurate approximation for the zero.

When determining the solution of an equation by means of interval nesting, the interval is reduced so that the zero of the corresponding function lies in the reduced interval - excel homework help . The procedure of stepwise approximation to the solution of an equation belongs to the iteration procedures.

One speaks of an iteration method when one can get from an approximate solution to a better approximate solution by applying an algorithm and ultimately bring the solution in principle as close as desired to the exact solution. One then says that the iteration converges.

The basic idea of approximation methods for determining the solutions of equations is to convert the equation into a function so that the variable of the equation appears as a variable of the function - algebra homework help . The zeros of this function are then searched for. Instead of the equation p(x) = 0, the function f(x) = p(x) is considered.
The function must fulfil the following conditions:

- The graph of the function can be drawn over the interval in one go (continuous).

- The function values at the beginning and end of the interval have different signs.

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