Activity Stream

  • Roberto Castaneda

    Roberto Castaneda three new peers:

  • e-Learning Ecologies MOOC

    Roberto Castaneda posted an update in e-Learning Ecologies MOOC

    Essential Update # 7 - Differentiated learning

    The last topic covered by Professors Cope and Kalantzis in the MOOC e-Learning Ecologies: Innovative Approaches to Teaching and Learning for the Digital Age is the topic of Differentiated Learning

    Reviewing some literature, I found a definition of...More

  • Roberto Castaneda

    Roberto Castaneda added three new items to shares:

  • Roberto Castaneda e-Learning Ecologies MOOC

    Roberto Castaneda commented on Essential Update #1 - The Ubiquitous Learning Concept – Learning Anywhere and Anytime in e-Learning Ecologies MOOC

    Hi Craig: You are right, at the beginning, the Students feel a bit overwhelmed by the different web tools used in the course. To say, in other words, you shake them out of their comfort zone (The usually known software that they already use and...More

  • e-Learning Ecologies MOOC

    Roberto Castaneda posted an update in e-Learning Ecologies MOOC

    Essential Update #1 - The Ubiquitous Learning Concept – Learning Anywhere and Anytime

    To talk about the concept of ubiquitous learning, I would like to start bringing back some key concepts mentioned by two exceptional teachers, who revolutionized globally the concepts of education, classroom, and learning in the recent past. One is...More

  • Roberto Castaneda

    Roberto Castaneda has one new peer:

  • e-Learning Ecologies MOOC

    Roberto Castaneda posted an update in e-Learning Ecologies MOOC


    Hello everyone!!!

    I just wanted to introduce myself. I am a Marketing Consultant and College Professor in Merida Mexico

    My personal interest leads me to go from the corporate world to the social sciences. As a teacher, I always like the idea to...More

  • Roberto Castaneda

    Roberto Castaneda joined three communities:

    Added on November 02, 2017

  • Roberto Castaneda

    Roberto Castaneda joined two communities:

    Added on November 02, 2017

  • Roberto Castaneda

    Roberto Castaneda joined one community:

    Added on November 02, 2017

  • Roberto Castaneda

    Roberto Castaneda edited their profile information.

    Edited on November 02, 2017

  • Roberto Castaneda

    Roberto Castaneda changed their profile image.

    Changed at November 02, 2017