Activity Stream

  • Petrilson Pinheiro

    Petrilson Pinheiro has one new peer:

  • Rachel Santos

    Rachel Santos joined one community:

    Added on July 02, 2022

  • Petrilson Pinheiro

    Petrilson Pinheiro three new peers:

  • Rachel Santos

    Rachel Santos posted a new update…

    Resposta da atividade- aula 22/03

    Grupo 5: Francisco Arquer Thomé, Rachel Santos, Tais Machado

    5- O que Blommaert discute especificamente em relação à questão da imigração e da diversidade e como isso se conecta à Pedagogia dos Multiletramentos?

    Jan Blommaert menciona a imigração,...More

  • Petrilson Pinheiro

    Petrilson Pinheiro three new peers:

  • Rachel Santos

    Rachel Santos edited their profile information.

    Edited on March 23, 2022

  • Rachel Santos

    Rachel Santos joined one community:

    Added on March 16, 2022

  • Rachel Santos

    Rachel Santos added interests inclusive teaching practices and Multiliteracies.

    Added on March 16, 2022

  • Petrilson Pinheiro

    Petrilson Pinheiro joined one community:

    Added on May 30, 2021

  • Petrilson Pinheiro

    Petrilson Pinheiro joined one community:

    Added on September 10, 2020

  • Petrilson Pinheiro

    Petrilson Pinheiro joined one community:

    Added on April 30, 2020

  • Petrilson Pinheiro

    Petrilson Pinheiro added interests Education and Applied Linguistics.

    Added on March 26, 2020

  • Petrilson Pinheiro

    Petrilson Pinheiro has one new peer:

  • Petrilson Pinheiro

    Petrilson Pinheiro changed their profile image.

    Changed at March 01, 2020

  • Petrilson Pinheiro

    Petrilson Pinheiro three new peers: