Wasili Mathumula’s Updates

EPI disease surveillance

My interest on this one is about determination. In 2015 when I was appointed to man the office of EPI in my district, disease surveillance was non-exisistance. Even though I knew something was wrong, I had nowhere to start from. One day a national chair on AFP eradication paid a visit to my district to find out why our district was in the category of silent districts. 

We had a long debate and agreed on how to handle the whole issue; that was in 2016. Come 2017, I vowed to change things and indeed by determination and dedication anything is achieverable. By the end of 2017 fiscal year we had registered 8 suspected cases of AFP and 10 suspected cases of measles (rubella) from a scratch. As I am writing I have recorded 8 AFP suspected cases and 17 measles suspected cases. There end my story.

Thank you for your time.

  • Moussa Doumbouya
  • Moussa Doumbouya
  • Moussa Doumbouya