Allie Hidy Lukacs’s Updates

  • Update 7: Ethics of Being Coached for a Personality/Aptitude Test

    Sometimes, when candidates are applying for a job, they will be required to complete some kind of personality test, aptitude test, or both. Sometimes this step takes place after the candidate has moved to the second or third level of the application...More

  • Update 4: Students Are Learning by Teaching an AI System

    The concept of "learning by teaching" is not a new one. In the photo above, you can see a young student who appears to be teaching her classmates while her teacher supervises. I would venture to say that it is pretty well known that if you can t...More

  • Update 3: Aboriginal Collective Intelligence and Environmental Sustainability

    Native peoples hold an incredible amount of knowledge of the land, resources, and patterns of the area that they come from, as well as having strong social, familial, and religious traditions that extend back over generations. Unfortunately, a lot o...More